MEMBER Policies & Guidelines
These policies apply to all Plexpod Members, Patrons, Guests, Visitors, and Contractors.
Safety Regulations. Proper safety measures must be implemented on premises at all time and all work must be performed consistent with OSHA standards and regulations. No person may undertake any improper use of any safety features (such as fire alarms). No bicycles or other personal non-ADA vehicles are permitted to be used in the Building; however they may be stored in designated areas.
Fire Regulations. No smoking is ever permitted inside the facilities or on the property. Flammable or combustible liquids are prohibited inside the Building. All materials used in decoration of any space in the facility must be certified as flame retardant. Pyrotechnics of any type on the Property are strictly prohibited. Candles may not be used in any manner that risks the start or spread of a fire.
Firearms. There shall be no firearms of any kind on the Property, except with the written approval of the Association, which may be withheld in the absolute discretion of the Association.
Alcohol. Alcohol may only be served and consumed on the Property in designated areas with the approval of the authorized Association personnel. Alcohol may never be served to any individual on the Property under the age of twenty-one years old, pursuant to state laws. Association reserves the right, but shall not have a duty, to remove any person demonstrably under the influence of alcohol.
Animals. If an animal or pet is to be present onsite, permission from the Association should be requested in advance. Animals registered or licensed for disability purposes are always welcomed.
Lodging or Sleeping. The Property shall not be used for lodging or sleeping.
Lost or Stolen Property. The Association shall not be responsible for lost or stolen property, money, jewelry, or other items of property, including, without limitation, property of Members, Patrons, or Guests, regardless of whether such loss occurs when the area is locked against entry or not. In addition to provided facility security measures, each Member must provide adequate security for their own property.
Loitering. There shall be no loitering by any unrelated party on the Property at any time. Also, refer to Patrons & Guests policy.
Disturbances. There shall be no disturbances to cause interruption of workplace productivity. Fighting or other physical altercations are expressly prohibited on the Property, and may be the basis for removal of persons from the Property and/or Membership. There shall be no threats of physical violence made by any party against another. There shall be no offensive material, logos, and/or writings on clothing or otherwise displayed, including without limitation, jewelry and tattoos. It shall be the sole discretion of Association to determine what material, logos, and/or writings are offensive. There shall be no use of public explicit profanity on the Property.
Appearance. Proper and appropriate clothing are required at all times according to environment and activity. The Association reserves the right to exclude anyone from the Property if their appearance is deemed objectionable.
Physical Characteristics of Property. Any alteration of the Property requires advance written approval of the Association. Sidewalks, doorways, vestibules, hall, stairways, and other similar Common Areas shall not be obstructed by any party or used by Members or Patrons for any purpose other than ingress and egress. No signs, advertisements, or notices shall be painted or affixed on or to any windows or doors or any other part of the Building, without permission of authorized Association personnel.
Contests & Schemes. Contest, raffles, or games of chance are permitted within the bounds of local, state, and federal law, only if approved in advance by the Association. Any violation of the law thereof is strictly prohibited. Use the Association for services in connection with pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk email, spamming, spimming, or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise) is prohibited.
Literature Disbursements, Giveaways, Surveys. Literature disbursements, giveaways, surveys, and other promotional items in Common areas are permitted only if approved in advance by the Association at the sole discretion of the Association. Canvassing, soliciting, and peddling products and/or services within the Building are prohibited. No "stick-on" decals or other similar adhesive-backed promotional items may be distributed or used in or around the Facility or Property without approval by authorized Association personnel.
Good Neighbor Policy. Please be courteous and considerate of all Members, Patrons, and Guests at all times. This includes: Reasonable care for and considerate and limited access to common areas and resources; Appropriate use of music or other media as not to intrude or disturb others; Picking up and cleaning up after yourself, leaving an area better than you found it; Replace chairs that you have moved and position chairs appropriately around tables; Pick up and dispose of any trash you my see on the floor or left behind by others; Being attentive to the common kitchen spaces and only taking and using items that belong to you; Appropriately greet others and their guests; Give attention to Meeting room schedules and adhere to your own scheduling; Be courteous when using Enclaves and limit use to a reasonable amount of time (e.g. 60 minutes); Be courteous of other members by booking Meeting Rooms, Amenities and Common Spaces for all private event use; Considerate parking as to not incur or cause damage to other vehicles; Be attentive of others who might be waiting for resources such as fitness, game equipment, printing, etc. Be courteous and appreciative to your Plexpod staff as they are your best advocate; and report anything that appears unusual or problematic to the facility personnel immediately.
Patrons & Guests. As a matter of safety and courtesy to others, Patrons and/or Guests of Members are required to sign in at the front desk. Front desk staff will then alert Member as to a Patron or Guest’s arrival. Patrons and Guests must always be hosted within a Member's Dedicated Space and/or within allocated Resource spaces (i.e. meeting rooms), so as not to interfere or encroach neighboring members. It is Member’s duty to License sufficient memberships and space in order to comply with this rule. Patrons and Guest should never access Flex Desks or Dedicated Desk areas. Patron and Guest access to the facility should be limited to brief visits, and Association personnel should always be alerted when Patrons require a longer stay. GUESTS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE FACILITY UNACCOMPANIED OR AFTER BUSINESS HOURS, which are Monday thru Friday, 8:30am - 11:45am, 1:15pm - 5:30pm, unless otherwise approved by Plexpod personnel.
Minors. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed on workplace premises at any time, other than those individuals working in qualified intern programs, attending classes, are family members visiting for brief periods, or for private event reservations.
Performance of Music. If any copyrighted music is to be played or publicly performed, the necessary licenses from the copyright owner or licensing agency representing the copyright owner must be obtained.
Internet Use & FCC Requirements. Member shall not publish, post, upload, distribute, or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic, name, material, or information on or through the Association’s internet access or servers. Member shall not upload, or otherwise make available, files that contain images, photographs, software, or other material protected by intellectual property laws, including, by way of example, and not as a limitation, copyright, trademark laws, (or by rights of privacy or publicity,) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consent to do the same. Member shall not use any material or information, including images or photographs, which are made available through the services in any manner that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary right of any party. Member shall not upload files that contain viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, bots, corrupted files, or any other like or similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another computer or property of another coworker. Member shall not download any file that you know, or should reasonably know, cannot be legally reproduced, displayed, performed, and/or distributed in such manner. Members should take adequate protective measures to eliminate viruses, spyware, and/or malware from their computers. Member shall not restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Association’s Internet Access Services. Members shall not harvest, or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without the authorization or consent of the disclosing party. Members shall not create false identity for the purpose of misleading others. Electronic equipment that uses radio frequency energy must meet Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations.
Illegal Drugs and Substances. Illegal drugs and substances are not permitted on the Property in any form.
No Interference with Others. No person shall be permitted to unduly disturb others as a result of sounds or other activities. All radios, cellular telephones, and other beeping and ringing devices are to be kept at a low level of volume, or in silent mode, while on the Property.
Lighting Restrictions. No changes or alterations to any lighting on Property may be done without approval. Any lamp or personal light that is added and/or used must contain LED bulbs.
Movement of Furniture or Other Items. Movement of furniture or any other item is not permitted without the permission of authorized Association personnel.
Garbage and Waste. There should be no littering on the Property. Each Member, Patron, and Guest shall deposit all trash and garbage in the appropriate location or in such other areas specifically designated by the Association.
Removal from Property. The Association reserves the right to remove any individual, including Patrons and Guests, from the Property at the discretion of Association representatives.