Our COVID-19 Impact response

The health and safety of our Members remains our top priority. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually every global citizen. Together we can minimize the impact of the pandemic by each doing our part. This page will be updated regularly as additional policies and procedures are implemented.

AS OF May 8, 2020


Member-companies will continue to have 24/7 access to facilities. However, it is the members’ responsibility to adhere to all local ordinances as implemented and enforced (e.g. Shelter In Place, Stay At Home, etc.). All Plexpod locations will be closed to the general public through May 15, 2020. Open Desk members that do not have 24/7 access must contact the Plexpod team (844-plexpod) or email info@plexpod.com for access prior to arriving.

Plexpod has suspended all internal and member events until further notice. Community teams will be working to reschedule planned events for a later date. 

If you have been impacted in a way that has created a need for personal assistance, see ADDITIONAL RESOURCES links below for assistance with disaster relief through loans, grants, health services, food services, utilities, etc.

Essential companies

There are a number of companies that office at Plexpod which are deemed “essential” companies, and are directed to continue operations. If your company is deemed “essential”, please contact us so that we may assist and provide specific attention to your operations and schedule.

MAil Delivery

Plexpod will continue to receive mail each day at all locations and Plexpod staff will continue to deliver mail daily between 2-4p to all companies with dedicated space.

Any member with a Virtual, Open Desk or Open Desk Plus Membership will be able to pickup their mail every Friday between the hours of 2-4 PM at their respective locations.

If anyone has important or time-sensitive items to be picked up, please let us know and we will coordinate with you directly. Please note that the Plexpod staff is limiting delivery times within the facilities in order to limit exposure to or from anyone that may be onsite.


Above all, practice good-health habits as outlined on the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention website. Please practice Social Distancing at all times and avoid any contact whatsoever such as shaking hands. Be intentional.

We are asking all of our Plexpod members to notify us immediately if they become aware of any individual who may have been exposed to, or is confirmed positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus). This will help to protect the safety of our broader communities and ensure appropriate actions are taken swiftly.

Current Member rates

Plexpod is committed to being as flexible as possible. We want to do everything we can to support all of our member-companies, and help you survive the unique challenges you may be facing. It is impossible to identify a one-size-fits-all solution to the variety of challenges our member-companies may be facing in the days ahead.

Additionally, if your company is facing unusual circumstances, please reach out to one of our community managers to see how we may work together. Again, we want to be as flexible as possible, and frankly, we (Plexpod) want to survive this too, and be here to provide services for you in the future.